Follow Your Joy! You Never Know When It Turns Into The Passion Of Your Life.
Follow your joy
Are you following your joy? A lot of us aren´t. Are you one of them? Maybe you think that you don´t have the time? Or you´re waiting to find the perfect joy or even passion before you follow it? Are you aware of what that can lead to?
I have two wonderful, smart, beautiful daughters with big hearts and great curiosity. (You can tell I´m their mom huh? But it´s true, they are fantastic!)
The oldest one started pretty early with activities. It was athletics (because she loved to run- she hated to walk but we could always say- Shall we run? And she happily run off), karate, theater lessons, dance, and then judo. We bought all special equipment and the special training clothes for every activity but most of them lasted only one term. So in the end we learned… When she asked for the clothes for judo I said: - We´ll buy them next term! Which never came…
She tested and tested. Until one day when she said:
- I want to play football!
- Shure! we said, thinking that this is probably not for long. Of course we didn’t say anything about our suspicions.
They trained football several times a week:
- In autumn, they trained in rain and bad weather.
- In the wintertime, they trained in a freezing tent to at least avoid the snow.
- In the spring, they played in all kind of weathers.
- One year past. Two years passed and she still was as dedicated as the first day.
Then came one day when she said:
- I want to play basketball, too.
- Ok, we said.
So it was football twice a week and basketball two or three times a week. And so it went on three-quarter of a year until it was time for the selection for another basketball team which had more serious practices and games. She was selected to be part of the team and was so happy!
But we had to tell her that she had to choose between football and basketball otherwise it would be too much for her.
She choose the new basketball team. This was four years ago and she is on her fifth year now. She has found her passion and absolutely loves it. She loves it so much that she wants to be a professional basketball player when that time comes.
If she or we had given up on her never finding what she liked she might have been a whole other girl now. For sure she would have missed out on all that fun she´s been having the last four years, getting a lot of new friends, experiencing a lot of different countries, developing both mentally and physically and finding her passion…
You never know when you find passion so you must follow your joy every single time because it can end up being the passion of your life!
(I know I´ve been saying you don´t have to do anything but this you really have to)
You might wonder if she stopped looking for joy or if she has found any other passions? I guess you already know the answer. She finds new ones constantly but basketball is in her heart all the time. For the moment it´s fuse beads- you know the small plastic beads you can put together side by side to make a shape, figure, cartoon character or anything you want and then iron them so they will melt together?
Every day when she´s not practicing with her team or studies for school she is doing these fuse beads or another new interest- planning an allotment to grow vegetables and flowers. We´ve set ourselves, on her request, in line for an allotment this spring and will most likely get one of 100 square meters, which is pretty big! It´s about 1075 square feet. I think it will be a nice project for the whole family.
And for Christmas she is wishing for a guitar… Who knows what that will lead to?
So- what can it lead to if you don´t follow your joy?
You might be one of those who never have any fun. And you most likely will miss out on the passion of your life!
You can´t let that happen to you! Just follow your joy!
You do have to... You remember- when you are having fun more joyful things will come to you by Law of Attraction.
Which joy or passion can you start to follow today? I would love to hear from you in the comments.
Love to you!